FLIP-FLOPPED feet saunter across a wet concrete floor. With each step, the water reddens until the camera comes to rest on the bodies of three prisoners. Severed heads lie on top of two of the corpses. The video was filmed in Pedrinhas, the biggest prison complex in the northern state of Maranhão, and published on January 7th by Folha de São Paulo, a newspaper. The footage has woken up many Brazilians to the hellishness of their prisons. At least 218 inmates have been murdered since January 2013 in 24 of Brazil’s 27 states. (The other three do not disclose figures.) Dozens more have died in suspicious circumstances. Severe overcrowding is the root of the problem. In the past 20 years Brazil’s population has grown by 30%, while that of its prisons and police cells has almost quintupled, to 550,000—the fourth-highest in the world, behind the United States, China and Russia.
Nelson Santos
ResponderExcluirOs maranhenses não merecem isso, precisam pensar mais e deixar os apadrinhamentos de lado, é um problema para os outros estados, acorda Maranhão!!!
Vera Amorim
ResponderExcluirPrefiro não comentar ...
Elizabeth Puebla da Nóbrega
ResponderExcluirE o nosso ministro da justiça ficou calado com os absurdos que a Roseana foi a público falar. O PT ficou calado pois o apoio do Sarnei é tudo!!!
Dorgival Nunes da Cruz
ResponderExcluiré o Sarney é forte há décadas, desde a ditadura, no governo FHC o Sarney Filho foi 8 anos ministro do Meio Ambiente!
Meio Ambiente não era tema de importância na pauta de FHC, por isso ele nomeou Zequinha Sarney, que é absolutamente inoperante politicamente.
ExcluirCristiane Lima
ResponderExcluirA Idade Medieval não esta somente nas prisoes brasileiras, esta tb na mentalidade do povo!
alguns segundos atrás · Curtir
Jeronimo Collares
ResponderExcluirThe Economista preocupada com pobre? Poupe-nos!
Henry Terranauta
ResponderExcluirFLIP-FLOPPED feet saunter across a wet concrete floor. With each step, the water reddens until the camera comes to rest on the bodies of three prisoners. Severed heads lie on top of two of the corpses. The video was filmed in Pedrinhas, the biggest prison complex in the northern state of Maranhão, and published on January 7th by Folha de São Paulo, a newspaper. The footage has woken up many Brazilians to the hellishness of their prisons.
At least 218 inmates have been murdered since January 2013 in 24 of Brazil’s 27 states. (The other three do not disclose figures.) Dozens more have died in suspicious circumstances. Severe overcrowding is the root of the problem. In the past 20 years Brazil’s population has grown by 30%, while that of its prisons and police cells has almost quintupled, to 550,000—the fourth-highest in the world, behind the United States, China and Russia.
Jorgina Guimaraes
ResponderExcluira família Sarney é rica, o povo do Maranhão é pobre.
Jorgina Guimaraes
ResponderExcluirOu pelo menos 80% deles!